1 min read

Paralysis by Analysis in Engineering (and in life)

Paralysis by Analysis in Engineering (and in life)
AI generated image - decision making is tough!

I'd like to start this blog by saying that sometimes it is difficult to choose one option. However, in my case, it's always challenging to make a decision when we have a plethora of options. Everyone wants to select the best one, which requires thorough investigation of a good sample of alternatives. As engineers, though, we always face deadlines, so there isn’t enough time to explore the universe of options. So, what do we do?

First, I make a list of my options. Let's say you have to choose a tool to implement an orchestration; I try to build a rubric with those options, adding as columns the features I like from each tool. After that, I add check marks where tools have the feature. Then I just count; sometimes I do a weighted average, especially when there are features more important than others. Another important thing I do is read blogs about the tools and watch some YouTube videos. I like to know beforehand the opinions of others who have used the tool. Most of the time, I have a preferred tool after finishing the aforementioned steps. But even with that hunch, I always schedule some time to do a Proof of Concept. I need to get my hands dirty with the tool before telling my higher-ups that we are ready to go.

In my decision rubric, I include:

  • Documentation
  • Cadence of updates
  • Support teams or community
  • Expenses
  • Integration with my current stack
  • Learning curve

Being paralyzed is not an option in engineering; at the end, we have to make a choice. However, in normal life, it's tougher; we can choose to do nothing, and that's in most cases the worst outcome. So, in my case, I have opted to include my 'Do Nothing' option within the rubric. Seeing numbers helps my brain to not get stuck and move on. "Algorithms to Live By" is a great book to learn more about this topic in real life.

My next blog will be about my selection of Dagster over Airflow as the orchestration tool in a migration project. Stay tuned! ✌️